Rendering Carlton

Specialised Rendering Services

Our highly qualified teams are able to perform rendering over a large range of surfaces and are able to produce a variety of quality rendering finishes. Please contact us if you require further information about any of these services or how these services can address your requirements.

Rendering over Hebel®

Hebel ® Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is an amazing, innovative building material that is lightweight and is formed into blocks and panels. It delivers benefits of traditional materials such as strength, acoustics, fir and pest resistance, but can be installed faster, saving construction time.

We have a wealth of experience with performing render over Hebel® surfaces. Hebel Australia recommends that Hebel surfaces be rendered to prevent water ingress and to improve the overall appearance of the exterior.

Rendering over Foam Board and Mouldings

Foam Board or Foam cladding is becoming a popular choice for households, especially for extensions. It is superior to blue board in terms of straightness, durability and resistance to movement. The added bonus of using Foam Board is that it gives an extension a solid brick, rendered finish, making the walls look like the original walls of the house.

We are able to perform the Acrylic Render of this surface as part of the procedure for installing and rendering these foam panels. We ensure that there are no uneven lines or cracks which could result in leakage.

The different types of rendering that we can provide includes:

  • Cement rendering
  • Acrylic rendering
  • Solid plastering
  • Venetian plastering
  • Foam cladding

Cement rendering

The application of a premixed layer of sand and cement to stone or mud brick concrete is known as cement rendering. It is often painted, textured and colored after the cement has been applied. It can be used to feature an interior wall but is generally used on exterior walls. Depending on the required look, rendering can be natural or colored, pigmented or painted, fine or coarse and textured or smooth. 

Acrylic rendering

Acrylic premixed renders have superior strength and are water resistant. They can be used on a large number of surfaces than cement render, including cement blocks, AC concrete paneling and concrete. Compared to traditional renders, some premixed acrylic renders have a smoother complexion. Various finishes, patterns and textures are possible like, chip, lime wash, clay, sand, sandstone, marble and stone. Depending upon the product, they can be sponged on rolled, or troweled. 

Solid plastering

If you are looking for a solid plasterer in Melbourne, look no further. With our friendly and professional service, we provide quality services every time. From removing dirt and dust from walls to applying a scratch coat or splash coat of cement, sand and bondcrete, we can do it all. We can bring the roughcast finish (the concrete look) and customise them as per your needs.

Venetian plastering

Venetian plastering is very versatile and can be applied to any type of surface, no matter whether a new or pre-existing wall. It is much safe when used on stones, tiles, cement boards, drywall, wood and bricks. Durability is another excellent advantage of Venetian plaster. We use the highest quality Venetian plaster and ensure that the surfaces are elegant and smooth.

Foam cladding

Foam cladding is also known as polystyrene cladding, which is used for external walls. It is one of the best methods to build exterior walls on your new extension or home. It is durable and resistant to movement and has great thermal insulation properties. 

So, you can get in touch with the professionals at Render Craft Solid Plastering and get advice to select the right type of rendering.

Viva Rendering